I am Phanindra S.V from Balakuntla family from Mudiyanur.
I first breth on this planet on 16 May 1984 at 03:00pm. Why am in taking about time & date specifically? There is a speciality here, I was born on Sri Choudeshwari Rathotsava specially at the time of chariot pulling. Will come to this point later. Moving ahead..
I was born to Sri.B.A Srinivasamurthy(Rtd Head Master) & Smt. B.S. Lakshmi(House Wife).
Let me take a pleasure to introduce my family.
I belong to Balakuntla family who are settled few genaration back at Mudiyanur. There are few people in my family whom i need to mention about. My Granfather Sri. Balakuntla Anantharama shastry was a Palegara for the entire village. His name is chanted even today at my village for his noble deeds , the support he gave to the families & made them settled. He believed in "Live & let live" principle. So what is special about him? He was the person who left home at the age of 9. Visited several places in tamilnadu & learnt a lot about life, Vedas, Classical Music.. He returned home after a long journey at the age of 19. This journey has made him grow as a very learnt & knowledgable person. Post returning to village he took the responsibility of the family. He did support his brothers Sri Balakuntla NarayanaShastry & Sri Balakuntla Subramanyam. He played an important role for their studies & made them to settle in life. Sri Balakuntla Narayana Shastry grown as a Head Clerk in Education Department where as the younger brother Sri Balakuntla Subramanyam for the two became Civil Engineer. Sri.B. Subramanyam played an important role in construction of several Dams in southren India.
The three brothers were married to
Narayana Shastry to Rukkamma - Later settled in Kolar
Anantharama Shastry to Seethalakshamma
Subramanyam to Vedamba - Later settled in Bangalore.
The Fruitfull marraige life led to 5 children to my grandfather Ananthrama Shastry
1) B.A.SrinivasaMurthy- My father
2)Papachamma(a.ka. Shantha) - Elder atta
4) Sharada
5) B.A.Ram Murthy
My grandfather used to teach tell the stories of Ramayana, Mahabharatha & many Epic stories. He always used to teach me the values of life. How a person should be? What are basic principles one should follow? vedas & what not..
These things impacted on my mind when i started thinking on wats good & wats Bad. I strated understanding each & every story which he used to tell at that time.
My grandmother did a great role in supporting my thaata. She was also very intelligent & well quilified. She was the daughter of Tahasildaar Sri Subramanyam. They belong to Darbala Family.
My parents:
Being the elder son, my father shared the family responsibilty at the early stage of life along with my grandfather. My father worked as the high school teacher in many schools. Later provided the service to MGNHS(Mahatma Gandhi National High School, Mudiyanur) & retired as head master in the same school. He has the same respect as my granfather has in the taluk. He is famous for his teaching abilities, softness, sincerity, humbleness, punctual & what not.
My mother, shared equal responsibilites of the family. They are the perfect example for the couple.