Thursday, July 28, 2011

IBM Tivoli Storage FlashCopy Manager for SQL in DS8000 Study Case Setup:

IBM Tivoli Storage FlashCopy Manager for SQL in DS8000 Study Case Setup:
IBM Tivoli Storage FlashCopy Manager for SQL can be used in many different combinations of different versions of Windows, different versions of SQL, as well many different combinations of hardware. In order to cover the full details of installing & configuring IBM Tivoli Storage FlashCopy Manager for SQL in DS8000 enviornment, the setup showing in figure 2-1 & explained below will be assumed in further chapters.
  • SQLnode01_POC:
SQLnode01_POC is a System X machine running Windows 2003 64-bit SP2. It’s the first node of SQL 2005 64-bit SP3 cluster.
  • SQLnode02_POC:
SQLnode02_POC is a System X machine running Windows 2003 64-bit SP2. It’s the second node of SQL 2005 SP3 cluster.
  • SQLsrv01_POC:
SQLsrv01_POC is a System X machine running Windows 2003 64-bit SP2. It’s a stand alone SQL 2005 SP3 machine.
  • TSMServer:
TSMServer is a System X machine running Windows 2003 64-bit SP2. It’s the TSM 5.5 Server to be integrated with FlashCopy Manager.
  • IBM System Storage DS8100,:
DS8100 with FlashCopy feature enabled & supported code level.

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